Wednesday 3 April 2013

Individual Reflections

Anchyi Fong (5): Before participating in this trail, I was very careless in my usage of water, constantly wasting water, unbeknownst to the fact that water is a limited resource. I was also clueless regarding why we could not litter or spit in drains if they were already that dirty. After this, I am thankful to Singapore for loving us so much as to spend so much money and use so much land space just to provide us with clean, fresh water to consume and use. I will not complain about the government anymore and continue contributing by conserving water, not littering, etc. 

Grace Goh (7): Through the trial, I’ve learnt more about the measures Singapore take to conserve water and how our government integrate our parks, reservoirs and waterways and the community. One of the measures I’ve learnt was the litter trap which is in the canal. It is useful as it traps the pollutant from the water before it flows into the reservoir.

Jowelle Poh (10): My initial impression of reservoirs was a secluded area that was gloomy and possibly dirty but after actually visiting Lower Seletar Reservoir which was beautiful, I learnt that reservoirs are actually made pretty with a variety of flowers, plants, insects and features. Recreational activities are also able to be carried out there. The water is also cleansed very thoroughly and the park at the reservoir itself was very clean. After participating in this trail, I now know that reservoirs are active, beautiful and clean places as well and am now no longer afraid to drink NEWater. I think Singapore has done a great job in ensuring that we are not short of water and maintaining our water resources. I will be sure to conserve water from now on.

Tara Kwong (18): I learnt that Singapore has taken many measures to improve the cleanliness of water in reservoirs. I am now reassured that the water we are consuming is very clean and drinkable. I have also learnt how Singapore copes with the decreasing amount of water in the world. I feel that the trail was very educational and I hope the school organises more of such activities.

Li Yi Fei (29): I learnt that conserving water is a very important responsibility that all of us have to be knowledgeable about. After visiting Lower Seletar Reservoir, I don't have such a bad impression of reservoirs as they are much better than my imagination! I used to think reservoirs were just another lame place that we go for learning journeys but now I know that it is a place that has so many different stations, all playing a small role in cleaning the waters for us to drink. I will definitely invite my family members to visit Lower Seletar Reservoir too!

Poon Joo Kai (35): After participating in the ABC trail, I have appreciated water much more, having learnt that it is a limited resource. I am grateful to the school for providing us with such a wonderful opportunity of learning interesting facts about water, water catchment areas, the history of Lower Seletar, disadvantages of stuff we should not do to pollute the water and the consequences that we would never have thought of and the measures taken by the government to give us the luxury of having clean, fresh water for usage and consumption. Being a Science lover, the experiments (e.g. water turbidity, pH level, dissolved oxygen level) conducted at the Fishing Jetty were very interesting as well. I am now motivated to play a part in conserving water and educating the people around me about it as well!

Wong Da You (38): From the ABC trail at Lower Seletar Reservoir, I have learnt about the various ways people use to make drinkable fresh water from undrinkable salty seawater. For example, the reverse osmosis process. I have also learnt about how people filter dirty water from drains and canals before they are transported to the reservoir. I have learnt about the history of Lower Seletar Reservoir as well. Overall, I have learnt to treasure our supply of freshwater as fresh water is very hard to get and there is a limited supply of freshwater

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